Monday, 5 December 2016

Reasons why People don't Read Books

                      Reasons Why People Don't Read Books

We may all have diverse reasons for not reading and buying books,but these are four basic reasons why people don't read books;

1. Books are too expensive
Well that may be a fact,  but the truth is that, ignorance is more expensive . If you don't buy and read now, you may never. Buying a book is never an expense, but rather an investment. You will pay more for being ignorant but you will rather save more for having the right knowledge.

2. They don't have time. 
Many people think they are very busy, but the fact is that,they are often busy doing the wrong things.
Listen,Never be too busy not to do the important things in your life; daily, weekly or monthly; like reading.
Until you install the reading software mentality in your life, you will never get the time to read, maybe, until you are 75.

3. The book is too big. 
Have you ever had a big book that by its size discouraged you from reading it?.
Understand this, if the author could finish writing it, you can finish reading it.
It has never been about the size, it's always been about your mindset.
Whatever you start, you can and must finish.

4. Reading is not their 'thing'
Have you ever met someone who said, 'well, for me, reading is not my thing'.
Listen, no one was born with a reading hardware. Until you decide to, and plan to, and discipline yourself enough to read, you will never become a reader,Never!
Books are so important that God left us one-the Bible, therefore, you need to read.

|Whatever reason you may have for not reading,it may not be an excuse enough.Until you decide to commit to it,you are likely to remain as you are until you make the decision.Its not enough to buy new clothes,make-up and others trying to change everything but our minds.

Books are like apps installed in the mind,they provide new information that generate patterns of thoughts and shape perspectives that  are ultimately geared towards problem solving.
Show me someone who got more ignorant by reading books.
Install a new software today;a new way of thinking,add some knowledge,they say 'knowledge is power'.

What you don't know you cannot have,even when you have it,you will abuse it just the way you abuse other things;because you don't know.
You may not have been brought up in a reading environment,but,you can do yourself a favor by making it part of your life,never accept to stay where or the way you are,always be better than you were.Start reading something today..

Read books about your professional field,about family,friends,finances...wherever you may have challenges or whatever field you want to soar,get a book on that and master that area.Don't choose self pity when you can discipline yourself enough to overcome though reading.

Read! Read! Read!

"The only way to be a better reader is to start reading"
   -Marvin Yaw Ofori 

                                                So #BuythatBook  and  #readthatbook.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Desire and Pursuit.

                    "You become a champion by fighting one more round.When things tough you fight one more round"
                                                                                               James J. Corbett 
                                                                       Heavyweight Boxing Champion

Life is a journey of many corridors,you may never see them,you may never be told of them;
but you will have to make choices about them sooner or later, either to be successful or just average.

The Successful people were willing to launch themselves down the corridor of
 opportunity without any guarantee of what would occur.

In the 1980's, Robert Ronstadt of Babson College concluded after a 12 year 
study that
"the mere act of starting a venture enables entrepreneurs to see other venture opportunities they could neither see nor take advantage of until they had started their initial venture"

This is what he called the corridor principle.

Now there's one common thing amongst humans,there may be a couple more,but one thing
more common among men is 'fear'.
all man have fear,maybe all.

What corridor is currently in your life that you need to brace up yourself to walk through?

The principle may have been stated on a business grounds but seems to apply to
all aspects of life as well.Maybe life itself is a business.
There are new grounds we wish to break and new heights we pray to soar,but without any 
initiated action,They will forever remain wishes and mere prayers.

The biggest barrier that's keeping you from taking the first step is your fear.
Unfortunately,all fears are learnt.Like a habit, no one was born with fears.
Your fears may be your current biggest hindrance to your success and achievements.
Fortunately,fear can be unlearned.

I have always loved to write,but i never did.I admire people who are able
to connect their brains and hands in such beautiful expressions that they can take 
you away from reality for a while.They can motivate,encourage and stir you up
to achieve your goals.They actually clear the dark clouds for you to see the big bright 
sun,right above you.I feared i might fail,I feared I wasn't good enough with English,Ideas 
and other writing skills,but,whatever my excuse was,it was basically because I was afraid.

Then i decided to fight my fears.I had to begin or forever live in wishes. So i began. I set deadlines,scribbled some points and options and choose this 
topic to begin with.I gathered materials and did a little research. I started walking in a new corridor.
It was challenging, stressful and sometimes discouraging; but i finished.
I never knew i could finish till i started.

Take a critical look at the areas of your life today.
What area of your life do you need to walk its corridors.
What goals have you procrastinated and left undone?
Yes,yes,you may have fears,doubts and dilemmas.Fear of rejection,poverty and failure, but you are also missing out on opportunities and advantages you never knew you could find.
Don't wait for what you are looking for to find you;it never happens.
You may need to start,start a new business,or work on an old one;It may be a ministry 
you need to begin or a talent to harness,it might be a new relationship you need
 to establish or an old one you to reconnect;for whatever it is,there are unseen
 advantages and opportunities hidden in what seems to be darkness.
You may be the next on top in your field.....all you need to do is to launch!

This is the season,everything you have been through was preparing you for this moment.
Things couldn't be so right for you as it is now..all you need is to step out in faith,do what needs
to be done and go where you need to go.Nothing is strong enough to stop you except what you

Get ready,step on the accelerator,determine to chart new courses,set targets and break them yourself,
Get in competition with yourself,grow through the challenges,whatever you need is not where 
you currently are,its ahead of you;all you need is one big bold step and many closed doors will 
be opened on the corridor.What ever you do,make sure you are moving on.Give yourself another chance,you can do it.Tell yourself this will work.How bad do you want it,do you want it bad enough to run after it? The proof of desire is pursuit(Mike Murdock).Don't stop until you see it work! That's how champions are birth.



I want to dedicate this blog specifically to building your capacity, changing your mind and  adding value to your life!.Let me be your new friend.